21/05/2024LAND OR - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company LAND OR, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
20/05/2024CITY CARS - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company CITY CARS, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
20/05/2024CITY CARS - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company CITY CARS, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
17/05/2024STB - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company STB, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
17/05/2024STB - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company STB, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
17/05/2024EURO-CYCLES - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company EURO-CYCLES, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
17/05/2024EURO-CYCLES - Financial statements annual individual at 31/12/2023
The Company EURO-CYCLES, publishes its individual annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
16/05/2024SOTRAPIL - Financial statements annual at 31/12/2023
The Company SOTRAPIL, publishes its annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
14/05/2024SIMPAR - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company SIMPAR, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
13/05/2024Amen Bank - information post OGM at 25/04/2024
Motions after General meeting of the 25/04/2024.