14/11/2024ASSAD - information post OGM at 04/11/2024
Motions after General meeting of the 04/11/2024.
13/11/2024TUNISAIR - Press release
Press release
13/11/2024SOTUVER - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Company CIE FINANCIERE D’INVESTISSEMENT.
12/11/2024BNA Assurances (Hors Cote) - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2024
insurance AMI, publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at the 30/06/2024.
08/11/2024STIP - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2023
The Company STIP, publishes its consolidated annual financial statements stopped at 31 December 2023.
08/11/2024CIMENTS DE BIZERTE - Quarterly activity reports at 30/09/2024
Company CIMENTS DE BIZERTE, publishes its indicators of activity relative to the 3nd quarter 2024.
08/11/2024SPDIT - SICAF - Declaration of significant operations at 11/11/2024
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by COMPANY SFBT.
06/11/2024ASSAD - Threshold crossing down
Crossing downwards of the threshold of 5%..
01/11/2024OFFICE PLAST - call for candidacy
Call for candidacy.
01/11/2024OFFICE PLAST - call for candidacy
Call for candidacy